As young girls, we are often taught that shaving is an exciting thing and a rite of passage to becoming a woman, and I certainly felt that way growing up. Thank you for sharing your personal experiences with hair removal, Niki. I also have mixed feelings because there can definitely be pros to body hair removal, but I also hate how limiting it feels when we are expected by other people to look a specific way.
Personally, I'm not a fan of the full shave for a variety of reasons, but I know that some women genuinely prefer it. I think it can be creepy when total hair removal is the standard expectation, as I do think our society inappropriately sexualizes young girls' bodies and is overall obsessed with preserving youth (often to an unhealthy degree). I fully support those who remove all their body hair because it's their personal preference, and also understand that our personal preferences are often shaped by societal expectations and what we see our peers and role models do. This is a really complex and interesting topic, thanks for your thoughts!